Jagged.zip Pathfile bundle - for the support of DTH and black orc areas. 40 files 32k including this text it would be very time consuming to list each path and the function of each.... it is advisable to import these files as a group as many use rooms not defined in mega default, selective import can result in orphaned paths. this path file bundle supports free movement from the crumbling tunnels entrance to the western road fork, and black orc areas. includes paths to and from the rocky passage to the silver river as well as loops for crumbling tunnels, torchlit tunnels (black orc area), paths to and from gnolls guard post, A loop which covers the entire northern section of DTH beginning and ending at Western road fork. also includes a path directly to the earthy cave, mod 5 quest roots required by Morukai. NONE of these paths requires a rusty iron key or skiff and the crumbling tunnels route to DTH may be listed as a failure path in the event that one is not in inventory.